ekwentị:+1(804)579-0949 email: urdollsshop@gmail.com

Etu ị ga - esi nweta nro nro efu?


2020-05-12 06:28:43

Etu ị ga - esi nweta nro nro efu?

Aha Omume: Buy Doll4ever brand dolls and get extra soft chest
Oge Ọrụ: 2020.05.12 - 2020.05.31
Activities: From May 12, 2020 to May 31, 2020. Purchase any Doll4ever brand doll in the urdolls store. You can get another soft chest.
Event goods: Doll4ever brand dolls In The Urdolls Store

Doll4ever brand sex dolls summary:

Features of Doll4ever sex dolls:

1. Platinum TPE, optimized raw material formula, pretty (lighter than the original pure TPE), strong permeability, no odor, low oil yield and good hand feel.

2. EVO enhanced version of the skeleton, more joints, more reasonable, more simulation, easy to operate, can achieve the kneeling position, Asian squat, palm support chin, shrug, chest, etc., the snake body is disabled throughout the skeleton, and more aluminum parts are used Lightweight.

Sex doll Squat Pose

3. Wigs are all customized according to each doll, more fit, more in line with the character temperament, and have a variety of style choices.
4. The packaging is more reasonable and safe. All products are packed with memory foam, and the custom white blanket is wrapped around the whole body. The packaging volume is small, which is convenient for transportation and collection.
5. The mouth, genitals, and anal passages are all perfectly isolated (sealed) from the internal skeleton, function: hygiene, rust prevention, safety.
6. The hollow molding technology of the chest is more advanced, the hollowness is more reasonable, there is no secondary seam opening, and the feel is more realistic and lightweight.
7. The internal structure of Mingqi is diversified, there are more choices, the experience is more realistic, the two-color inner wall (light red, not faded), one more process.
8. The 3D printing technology is used on the head and body, which reduces the development cost and improves the efficiency.
9. All raw materials are made of cosmetic grade (difficult to form), which is safer, and many other factories use industrial grade (odorous, unsafe).

Ezigbo Nkwupụta lsmụ Bebi Mmekọahụ


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