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Hụghị mmụọ bekee ndị Japan dina na igbe ya?

Akwụkwọ Tab
Nov 22, 2019 11: 29

There is already a surface tear around the vagina and anus. Is this normal? I remember the day after I received the TPE Japanese nwa bebi, I found a surface tear around the vagina (not sure what to call), I certainly think this can't happen in a day, so I think it must be me. It was already the same when unpacking. So today, when I took her out of the box, the surface tearing looked even worse. She only stayed in the box for a few days, I'm sure, before putting her in the box, the tears were not that bad. But maybe it is, because I really can't see the Japanese sex doll lying in her box for a few days.

Ezigbo Nkwupụta lsmụ Bebi Mmekọahụ


Black Friday Mmekọahụ Nwa bebi Brand ire mkpokọta ịzụ ahịa n'ịntanetị


2022-11-20 22:30:29

Nke a bụ nchịkọta ọrụ akara ngosi niile dị ugbu a na saịtị a. Kwa ọnwa, anyị na-agbalịsi ike inye ndị na-azụ ahịa ihe dị iche iche, na ndị na-emepụta nwa bebi mmekọahụ nwere ike ịdịgasị iche site n'oge ruo n'oge. Na nkenke, ebe a, ị ga-ahụ ụdị ihe omume nwa bebi ịchọrọ, anyị ga-aga n'ihu na-emelite ...

Jide nnukwu oriri na ọṅụṅụ Halloween


2021-10-22 22:04:23

Anyị nwere ọmarịcha egwuregwu squid Halloween ebe dị na United States, ị na-anabatakwa isonye, ​​​​ebe anyị gosipụtara ọtụtụ ụmụ bebi mmekọahụ na-eyi uwe ememme dị nsọ. Ozugbo ị rutere n'ebe a na-eme oriri na ọṅụṅụ, ị ga-ebu ụzọ hụ ndị amoosu Halloween. Aha amoosu a bu Sabrina, Sabri ...

Kedu otu esi elekọta ụmụ bebi mmekọahụ?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

Afọ ole ka eji eji bebi urdolls nwere ike ịdabere na ọnọdụ ojiji na nlekọta. Dolmụ bebi mmekọahụ a na-ejikarị emegharị ma na-akwaga nwere ike ịkarị. Anyị ghọtara na nwa bebi ị na-enwe mmekọahụ bụ ihe itinye ego, yabụ anyị achịkọtara ụfọdụ ndụmọdụ iji jigide ogo na ndụ nke mmekọahụ gị ...

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