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Gini mere ndi mmadu ji azuta umu bebi?

Alan Ted
Sep 24, 2019 17: 42

Useful dolls allow you to try different poses. Therefore, it should be considered as a kind of training. This way, you can say hello to your girlfriend in a new position. Although love relationships do not involve pure sexual behavior, love dolls naturally have a vagina and anus. You don't have to force the doll to enter the box, the shipping company won't ask stupid questions, and you don't have to do anything about it.

Alan Ted
Apr 8, 2019 17: 12

There are many reasons why people buy onu ogugu nwoke. Below we will introduce you to some of the reasons for the buyer. According to researchers at Harvard University, 21 orgasms this month are a natural need for humans, and the risk of prostate cancer is further reduced by 22% compared with men who are only 7 years old. Given that women are subject to certain restrictions, such as menstruation, family life, fatigue, or the first month of life, sex dolls are a very friendly alternative to avoid adultery. Still others are working outside the city for professional and/or commercial reasons because of court or long-term separation, so the partner is not there, but they do not want him to be outside and have adultery outside. Frequent travellers, miners, builders, engaged in remote field operations or just vacationing in their second home, because they are often in a long-term or short-term separation, couples may have sexual needs, so the doll can be without unfaithfulness It also plays a key role in temporary satisfaction. If you have these conditions, then we recommend that you buy a sex doll of your own. Help you solve problems.

Alan Ted
Aug 01, 2019 16: 26

N'ọtụtụ ọnọdụ, anyị nwere ike anyị agaghị ahụ ndị ọzọ ogologo oge. Na mgbakwunye, ị nwere ike iche na ọ dị gị mkpa ka gị na onye òtù ọlụlụ gị nwee mmekọahụ site na igbe ahụ na enweghị ike ịgwa ya okwu. N'okwu a, ịnwere ike ịdabere na bebi iji nwee mmekọahụ.

Ezigbo Nkwupụta lsmụ Bebi Mmekọahụ


Black Friday Mmekọahụ Nwa bebi Brand ire mkpokọta ịzụ ahịa n'ịntanetị


2022-11-20 22:30:29

Nke a bụ nchịkọta ọrụ akara ngosi niile dị ugbu a na saịtị a. Kwa ọnwa, anyị na-agbalịsi ike inye ndị na-azụ ahịa ihe dị iche iche, na ndị na-emepụta nwa bebi mmekọahụ nwere ike ịdịgasị iche site n'oge ruo n'oge. Na nkenke, ebe a, ị ga-ahụ ụdị ihe omume nwa bebi ịchọrọ, anyị ga-aga n'ihu na-emelite ...

Jide nnukwu oriri na ọṅụṅụ Halloween


2021-10-22 22:04:23

Anyị nwere ọmarịcha egwuregwu squid Halloween ebe dị na United States, ị na-anabatakwa isonye, ​​​​ebe anyị gosipụtara ọtụtụ ụmụ bebi mmekọahụ na-eyi uwe ememme dị nsọ. Ozugbo ị rutere n'ebe a na-eme oriri na ọṅụṅụ, ị ga-ebu ụzọ hụ ndị amoosu Halloween. Aha amoosu a bu Sabrina, Sabri ...

Kedu otu esi elekọta ụmụ bebi mmekọahụ?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

Afọ ole ka eji eji bebi urdolls nwere ike ịdabere na ọnọdụ ojiji na nlekọta. Dolmụ bebi mmekọahụ a na-ejikarị emegharị ma na-akwaga nwere ike ịkarị. Anyị ghọtara na nwa bebi ị na-enwe mmekọahụ bụ ihe itinye ego, yabụ anyị achịkọtara ụfọdụ ndụmọdụ iji jigide ogo na ndụ nke mmekọahụ gị ...

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